

Dadmin is a great example of a single business owner focusing on creating a brand. Having built up a solid traffic flow to their website the owner wanted to explore operating on more channels with minimum upheaval.

As a single business owner the challenges are many. You have to cover the same range of tasks as big business but with fewer resources. We were able to add Marketplace channels to their revenue without any impact on the existing business.

We are now in the process of opening new markets and territories without any impact on the existing time and resources of the business owner and having added our analytics platform they are able to see all of these new markets in real-time for both sales and marketing activity.

Key Moments: 15% increase in revenue without any impact on existing resources in the UK as part of a pilot project.

“Working with Activ8 has been a fantastic experience. They are professional, patient and super helpful with all of our brands needs. I’m looking forward to developing the relationship and continuing to grow with their guidance and support. The advice they give is top notch and I’ve never felt any sales pressure to use their services. Would definitely recommend to brands who are looking to grow. ”

— Simon Boi, Founder, Dadmin.

Dadmin Orders
Stu Conroy